Federal Art ProjectHeaps of Garbage
Federal Art ProjectWomen Waiting for a Bus
Federal Art ProjectTenements
Federal Art ProjectChildren at the Top of Shabby Staircase
Federal Art ProjectGroup of Children Near Garbage Can
Federal Art ProjectPeople Sitting on Stoops
Federal Art ProjectJunk
Federal Art ProjectTwo Men Reading.
Federal Art ProjectTenement Backs
Federal Art ProjectFamily in Shabby Hallway
Federal Art ProjectSidewalk Art Show
Federal Art ProjectPlaying in Street
Federal Art ProjectWooden Tenements and Children
Federal Art ProjectKitchen Interior: Father and Baby with Mother Ironing
Federal Art ProjectSmall Storefronts
Federal Art ProjectOld Woman in Babushka.
Federal Art ProjectBoy and Mother at a Table
Federal Art ProjectChildren behind a Fence
Federal Art ProjectMerry-Go-Round on a Truck
Federal Art ProjectWreckage-Boy with Boards
Arnold Eagle,Federal Art Projectunknown [Tenement with person in the window.]
Federal Art ProjectTenement Courtyard from Roof Looking Down
Federal Art ProjectBoy with a Cat
Federal Art ProjectKichen Stove with Old Fashioned Flat Irons
Federal Art ProjectChildren on the Sidewalk with Signs
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