Gov. Clinton and his wife on a canal boat en route to New York from Buffalo, on the occasion of the opening of Erie Canal, October, 1825
Erie Canal Celebration, New York, November 4th, 1825.
The State of New York. Centennial Opening of the Original Erie Canal
Erie Canal Celebration, New York
[Certification of membership to the Free-School Society of New-York.]
[Henry Hudson's ship arriving in New York Harbor.]
[The Erie Canal Celebration, November 4, 1825]
Statue of Liberty on Bedloe's Island in New York Bay.
Bay & Harbour of New York
Riverside Drive, from Hudson River Near Eighty-sixth Street, New York.
[Peter Stuyvesant and slaves arriving in New Amsterdam.]
Bay of New York from the Narrows
New-York & Environs
Mayflower Saluted By the Fleet.
DeWitt Clinton High School in Manhanhattan from the Front, South east.
New - York Bay and the Narrows
Castle Clinton and the Battery
Grant's Tomb and Claremont, New York.
"The Narrows," Bay of New York