Clary-Reel Oven, bread oven, closed.
Bread oven for restaurant.
681 8th Avenue and 43rd Street. Manufacturers Trust Co.
130 East 15th Street. Portable Reel gas oven.
58th Street and 8th Avenue. Colonnade Building.
490-92 8th Avenue. Travelers Restaurant.
[8th Avenue looking toward 35th Street.]
820 8th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 50th Street. Southerly section of westerly wall on 8th Avenue.
Woman's University Club, kitchen. Bread and pastry oven.
Liberty Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue. Upstairs tile work, 8th Avenue subway.
57th Street and 8th Avenue. Colonnade Building.
8th Avenue and 4th Street. Roosevelt Arms, general view.
8-10 West 8th Street. Residences
Walton Avenue. Splitdorf Electric Co., annealing ovens.
14th Street and 8th Avenue. N.Y. County National Bank.
[Elevated train tracks at 149th Street and 8th Avenue.]
149th through 150th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Co-operative Apartments "for negroes", exterior from 7th Avenue.
500 8th Avenue between 35th and 36th Street, east side. Ludwig Bauman and Co., general view.
West 57th Street between 8th Avenue and Broadway. Fisk Building.
481 8th Avenue and 34th Street. West Side Bank, interior.