DeWitt Clinton
The Mayor & Mrs. Clinton request the honor of Miss Clarkson's Company
Gov. Clinton and his wife on a canal boat en route to New York from Buffalo, on the occasion of the opening of Erie Canal, October, 1825
Amatuer Productions, DeWitt Clinton Dramatic Society "Richelieu".
DeWitt Clinton High School in Manhanhattan from the Front, South east.
Arrival in New York Bay of the first Canal fleet from Buffalo, October 1825, at the opening of the Erie Canal.
Andrew Jackson
DeWitt Clinton Park in Manhattan, Children's Farm-School, September 19th 1902.
Anna Hazard Hone (Mrs. Philip J. Hone)
General View of DeWitt Clinton High School, N.Y.
Brigadier General Joseph Blackwell, Jr.
Philip J. Hone
[Certificate of membership to the Free-School Society of New-York.]
[DeWitt Clinton Falls.]