Anne Atkinson Coggill
Marie Booth Russell with Rob't B. Mantell in "The Light of Other Days"
William Bayard Cutting
Dinner to the American Medical Association, by the Physicians of New York City
Mrs. Bryce [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Five Points, 1827
Julia Loomis Havemeyer [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Mrs. Francis B. Loomis [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Mrs. Harriman [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Countess Barbelini Arnudi (Arnudee) neé Hattie Lewis [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Miss Kellogg [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
[Francis?] Hawk [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Augusta Temple Winthrop (Mrs. John Smythe Rogers)
Elizabeth Root Borst
Liberian Commission. Geo. Sale, R. P. Faulkner, Geo. A. Finch, Sec'y.
[Mrs. Herman Lewis.]
Mrs. James Havemeyer [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]