Jam at the Brooklyn Bridge During the Rush Hours, N.Y. City.
Upper Broadway (Near 200th St.) and Fort Tryon, N.Y.
Jamaica Bay Yacht Club, Hollands, Rockaway Beach, L.I.
[Goats in their stable.]
Bock Bier
A Ride With the Dutchess [Adams' Yellow Kid Chewing Gum.]
Landmark, Amsterdam Ave., & 120th Street, New York
[Goats on a farm.]
Towing on the Hudson River.
[Man talking to Al Smith and his wife while they look at a llama and goats.]
The Lounge, Hotel Embassy
The Marquette Apartment, between Morningside and Amsterdam Avenues, New York.
Brooklyn Bridge, New York City.
["The Goat Song" theater still.]
New York. Fire on Park Place in Winter.
[Goat drinking baby's bottle in front of Finnegan's corner grocery.]