Wall Street and Nassau Street. U.S. Sub Treasury
[U.S. Sub-Treasury.]
U.S. Treasury Building, Wall and Nassau Streets
U.S. Sub-Treasury, N.Y. City.
U. S. Sub-Treasury, N. Y. City.
U. S. Sub - Treasury, N. Y. City.
Wall Street corner Nassau Street. Gillender Building.
[Wall Street and the Sub-Treasury.]
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Memorial to Captain Percival Drayton U.S. Navy, commanded the Monitor
[U.S. Courthouse.]
U. S. Sub Treasury Wall St. New York City.
U. S. Sub-Treasury -- New York.
U. S. Sub-Treasury, New York.
U. S. Sub Treasury, New York City.
Building, Continental Bank Bldg., 30 Broad Street. (made from U.S. Subtreasury steps, Wall Street.).
View of Wall Street Sub - Treasury in the Distance.