Long-haired drummer, Puerto Rican, Second Avenue and 95th St.
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Victory Garden, Rockefeller Center
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Room for Two
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Man Power!
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Viewing of facade, tearing down the Armory, Madison Avenue between 94th and 95th Sts.
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[Snowstorm, Madison Ave. and 96th St.]
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Brooklyn in the Spring
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View of bus on Madison Avenue between 96th and 97th Streets, advertisement on bus reads "6 out of 10 non-white children grow up poor - give a damn"
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View of Fifth Avenue by 94th Street, Central Park
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"Siempre Adelante," Puerto Rican Day parade float
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The Next Meal!
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Barren/run-down building, 95th Street and 2nd or 3rd Avenues
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Black man with bottle and paper bag shoes, Madison Avenue between 96th and 97th Sts.
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Conservatory Garden, Central Park, E. 105th St.
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[Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Durst (neé  Rose Friedwald) with their daughter.]
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Good Friday, outdoor procession, clergyman and two choirboys [St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 15 East 97th Street]
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Billboards, "War Bonds in Action"/Bowery Savings Bank
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"Washday", West 133rd St. and 12th Avenue
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View from rooftop looking north at East River, taken from 49 E. 96th Street
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Looking out of store window, with John Albok photograph
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"Collision, 1928" [Auto accident with trolley car]
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Buy a Flower!
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WPA workers shovelling snow, 96th Street and Madison Avenue
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Ices-man on East 110th Street
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