[Coney Island.]
play button
[East 57th Street, looking west from 2nd Avenue.]
play button
[Park Avenue and 46th Street.]
play button
[7th Avenue, north from 41st Street.]
play button
[Grand Central Station.]
play button
[Pennsylvania Railroad West.]
play button
[Park Row.]
play button
[East 42nd Street.]
play button
[Presbyterian Hospital, Riverside Drive between 165th Street and 168th Street.]
play button
[Presbyterian Hospital, Riverside Drive from 165th Street to 168th Street.]
play button
play button
[Battery Park.)
play button
[City Hall Park.]
play button
[61st Street and Broadway.]
play button
[Monroe Street looking south at intersection of Market.]
play button
[Park Avenue and 4th Street.]
play button
[Times Square, late 1920s.]
play button
[City Hall Park, late 1920s.]
play button
[Central Park.]
play button
[Madison Avenue, north from 44th Street.)
play button
[Riverside Drive.]
play button
[Battery Park.]
play button
play button
[5th Avenue and 59th Street.]
play button
[Riverside Drive, with pedestrians.]
play button
1 - 36 of 36 

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