Prayer time in the nursery, Five Points House of Industry.
Men's lodging room in West 47th Street Station.
The Survival of the Unfittest.
The Potter's Field Consecrated Ground.
Street Arabs in sleeping quarters.
Lodgers in a crowded Bayard Street tenement - "Five cents a spot."
Prayer-time in the Nursery - Five Points House of Industry.
The Division Street Park site -- as it was when tenements were cleared away, taken 1898.
In the home of an Italian Ragpicker, Jersey Street.
The Board of Election Inspectors in the Beach Street School.
"Knee-pants" at forty five cents a dozen -- A Ludlow Street Sweater's Shop.
Night in Gotham Court.
Shelter Island; Coming through the Fields.
"Minding the Baby," Cherry Hill.
Old Barney in Cat Alley.
Shelter Island; At Cockle Harbor.
Bohemian cigar makers at work in their tenement.
Alexander AllandNight in Gotham Court.
Alexander AllandLodgers in a crowded Bayard Street tenement - "Five cents a spot."
Waiting to be let into playground.
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