[Williamsburgh Savings Bank, 175 Broadway.]
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Atlantic Avenue and Fourth Avenue. Williamsburgh Savings Bank
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[Williamsburgh Savings Bank, 175 Broadway. Detail of dome.]
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Williamsburgh Bridge
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Williamsburgh Bridge
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Williamsburgh Wheelmen
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The Williamsburgh Bridge.
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The Williamsburgh Bridge.
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The Williamsburgh Bridge.
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Williamsburgh Bridge Construction Work
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Williamsburgh Bridge, New York.
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Opening of Williamsburgh Bridge
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Williamsburgh Bridge, entrance approach.
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Williamsburgh Bridge, New York.
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Williamsburgh Savings Bank, temporary offices.
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Williamsburgh Trust Co., general exterior.
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Union Pond, Williamsburgh, L.I.
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Williamsburgh Bridge from B'klyn.
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View of Williamsburgh, L.I.
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New York. The Williamsburgh Bridge.
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View of Williamsburgh, L.I.
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Atlantic Avenue. Williamsburgh Savings Bank, exterior.
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New-York and Environs, from Williamsburgh
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New-York and Environs, from Williamsburgh
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[Outing of the Williamsburgh Wheelmen, Dexter Park.]
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