[Interborough Rapid Transit Company.]
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Exterior, Interborough Rapid Transit Car Barns.
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[New turbine work, Interborough Rapid Transit.]
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[Interborough Rapid Transit turbines at 74th Street.]
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Interborough Rapid Transit Co. Subway Division. Good For One Continuous Trip
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Interior, Interborough Rapid Transit Car Barns, Battery of Double Sinks in Wash Room.
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[Interborough Field and Hedley Hall from 242nd Street, west of Broadway.]
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[Interborough basball field.]
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Admit the Bearer [A. Leo and two] to subway passenger stations of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company
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146th Street and Lenox Avenue. Interborough Rapid Transit Company. Interior, repair shop
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146th Street and Lenox Avenue. Interborough Rapid Transit Company. Interior, repair shop
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The Interborough Glee Club.
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Board of Education, 1916, Interborough.
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[Interborough Rapid Transit Company powerhouse.]
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[Interborough Rapid Transit Company powerhouse.]
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To meet Mr. August Belmont, President of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company
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[Interborough Subway sign on Park Avenue, just south of 42nd Street.]
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IRT Oldtimers, Fifth Annual Outing
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Dip Pen with red leather case
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West 147th Street and Seventh Avenue. Consolidated Gas Company. Interborough repair shop
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Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Construction for subway; construction detail.]
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Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Two views of laborers during subway construction.]
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Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Two views of subway construction.]
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Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff. Over S.B. Tunnel Sta. 207 & 10 [Overhead view of construction.]
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Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Laborers excavating a street; aerial view of construction.]
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