Bicycling, Jimmy Micheals, Interviewed by Bob Davis.
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[Coney Island.]
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Bicycling, Jimmy Micheals, Interviewed by Bob Davis.
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Prize Fighters.
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Bicycling, Jimmy Micheals, Interviewed by Bob Davis.
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Sports, Bicycle Racer, Jimmy Michaels.
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Bay Ridge Improvement. Long Island Railroad
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Alexandra Exhibition Co. Pyrotechnic Displays
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Prize Fighters.
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Prof. Fourcher
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Prof. Fourcher
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Prof. Fourcher
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Prof. Fourcher
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Prof. Fourcher
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Prof. Fourcher
play button
Prof. Fourcher
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[Coney Island, View from the Ocean.]
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Prof. Fourcher
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Long Island Railroad
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Starin's Excursions
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The City of New York
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