[Grave of Lord Stirling, William Alexander, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Memorial to John Wolfe Ambrose on Aquarium (Castle Garden) wall.]
[Fort Clinton (Aquarium), Battery.]
[Demolition on Greenwich Street.]
[Plaque--Edgar Allen Poe.]
[Battery Place between Washington and Greenwich Streets.]
[Tablet in New York City Hall.]
[Fraunces Tavern, where George Washington took leave of his officers, December 4, 1783.]
[Tablet commemorating the site of the second presidential mansion.]
[Sidney Breese tombstone, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Battery Place demolition for Battery-Brooklyn Tunnel approach.]
[Tablet on building of International Telephone Co., Broad and William Streets.]
[City Hall Park, near Lexington Avenue subway entrance.]
[Plaque at Golden Hill.]
[Plaque on west side of Stone Street.]
[Plaque placed in error at 10 Pearl Street to mark the site of the first city hall, which was actually at 73 Pearl Street.]
[In Battery Park near Barge Office, found on the site of 55 Broadway corner of Exchange Alley.]
[End of the largest tree, Battery Park.]
[Flagpole tablet, City Hall Park.]
[Statue of Ericsson.]
[Trinity Place entrance to Trinity Churchyard.]
[Table for Marinus Willet on Broad Street and Beaver Street.]
[Alexander Hamilton Monument, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Fort George Tablet, Battery Park.]
[St. Paul's Churchyard.]
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