69 West 66th Street. St. Nicholas Rink. Wrestling match
[St. Nicholas Rink.]
Durland's Riding Academy, West 66th St.
West 69th Street and Central Park West. The Brentmore Apartments
131 East 66th Street. Residence. Interior, parlor
Street Scene - 1901. Fifth Ave. - South from 66th St.
[126] East 66th Street. Havemeyer and Col. Payne Stable.
[66th Street and 5th Avenue.]
1961 Broadway at the corner of West 66th Street. Hotel Marie Antoinette.
West 66th Street and West Side Highway. Elevated highway, railroad yards and Hudson River
131-35 East 66th Street. Joint Ownership Company
East 66th Street and Lexington Avenue. St. Vincent Ferrer Church, view of statuary on top front
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, About 1901 [?], 66th to 65th Streets.
Broadway between 66th Street and 67th Street. Empire Mutual Insurance Building.