926 5th Avenue. John W. Simpson residence, general view of rear.
926 5th Avenue. John W. Simpson Residence, view of rear area.
926 5th Avenue. John W. Simpson residence, general view.
926 5th Avenue. John W. Simpson Residence, view of front area.
883 5th Avenue. Griswold residence.
1056 5th Avenue. General exterior, residence.
1136 5th Avenue. Apartment house.
953 5th Avenue. Apartment house.
1082 5th Avenue. Charles Phillips residence, ceiling.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, ballroom.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, library.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, boudoir.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, bedroom.
5th Avenue and 86th Street. Starr residence.
1043 5th Avenue. James Byrne residence.
853 5th Avenue. Mrs. Parsons' residence.
5th Avenue. Mrs. Parsons' residence, hall.