The Wellsmore, B'way & 77th St.
The Wendolin, 100th St. & Riverside Dr.
Apt. 5 Riverside Dr.
Irving Arms, 222 Riverside Dr.
Miss Ely's School, Riverside Dr. & 86th St.
The Glen Cairn, 99th St. & Riverside Drive
325 West 77th Street. Apartment building
The Hudsonia, 315-321 W. 79th St.
Apt. 5 Riverside Drive
The Stratford-Avon, Riverside Drive & 93rd St.
Riverside Drive N.E. cor.of 90th St.
Andrew Jackson, Riverside Dr. & 149th St.
Dacornel Apt. Riverside Dr. & 145th St.
New Century Apartments West End Ave. 79th St.
The Riviera, 157th St. & Riverside Drive
The Chesterfield, 260 Riverside Drive
I.V. Brokaw N.E. 5th Ave. & 77th St.
Firemen's Memorial, Riverside Drive & 100th St.
44 West 77th Street. Manhattan Square Studio Apartments.
[44 West 77th Street.]