View from corner of Grove Street and Sheridan Square by Corn Exchange Bank, looking east through Grove Street.
[Barrow Street and Sheridan Square.]
Sheridan Square, Grove Street. Nos. 80 to 96.
265 Broadway. Corn Exchange Bank
West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Corn Exchange Bank
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from curb on Sheridan Square by Corn Exchange Bank looking north.
[Building construction, Barrow Street and Sheridan Square.]
[Sheridan Square.]
Newsstand on Sheridan Square, at Christopher & Grove Streets
Washington Place and Grove Street, southeast corner. Construction site
Grove Street and Washington Place, S.E. corner. Sheridan Square, record photo.
Murray Street and Broadway, northwest corner. Postal Telegraph building, lower stories. Alterations for Corn Exchange Bank
10 Sheridan Square at the corner of Washington Place and Grove Street. Progress view of The Shenandoah.
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from north side to Grove Street looking S.W. through Washington Place and Sheridan Square, 11:43am.
[Washington Place and Grove Street. Apartment building.]
[Washington Square Arch.]
Spring Street and Broadway, southwest corner. Corn Exchange Bank
33 Flatbush Avenue. Corn Exchange Bank
Grove Street and Seventh Avenue. Building construction, steel frame
147-149 East 10th Street. Corn Exchange Bank