East Side of Fifth Ave. from 55 to 54 Sts.
John D. Rockefeller. [West 54th St. West from 5th Ave.]
Residence, H. Ziegler, 18 East 54th St.
[Interiors, H. Ziegler, Drawing Room.]
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 54 to 53 Sts.
Residences, Rockefeller, John D., West 54th St. near 5th Ave.
[Interiors, H. Ziegler, Dining Room.]
[10, 8 and 4-6 East 54th Street.]
Rev. Dr. M. Smith's. [Home of the Rev. Wilton Merle Smith.]
[2 East 54th Street.]
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 56 to 55 Sts.
[Residence of Mr. H. Ziegler, 18 East 54th Street.]
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 59 to 58 Sts.
Looking North on 5th Ave. from 51st St. N.Y. [Fifth Avenue Vanderbilt Residences on the Left].
1 East 74th St. and 5th Ave.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 52 to 51 Sts.