Residence, J.D. Crimmins, Contractor.
House of John D. Crimmins, Contractor.
Interiors, John D. Crimmins, Bedroom.
Interiors, John D. Crimmins, Study.
Interiors, John D. Crimmins, Drawing Room.
Retail Trade Shoes 1906, J.D. Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.
Residence, W.C. Whitney, Secy. of Navy, N.E. Corner of 68th St.
[The William C. Whitney Residence, Northeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 68th Street.]
Residences, J.J. Van Allen, Newport, Rhode Island.
[The C. T. Yerkes Residence on the Southeast Corner of 5th Ave. and 68th St.]
[The Mrs. J. Murray Mitchell residence at Tuxedo Park, N.Y.]
Geo. J. Gould, 857 Fifth Ave.
Residence, Commodore James, 69th St. & Park Ave.
Residences, Rockefeller, John D., West 54th St. near 5th Ave.
857 Fifth Ave. at 67th Street. [The George Gould Residence.]
835, 836, 837 65th Street. [The Residence of William Watts Sherman, Southeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street.]
Residence, S.E. Corner Fifth Ave. & 63rd St.
Tuxedo Park, N.Y., Residences, Churches, Depot, Boating.