Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Two men in cowboy attire with their paintings.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man in cowboy attire painting.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man in cowboy attire painting as another man watches.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man in cowboy hat paints as another man watches.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man painting a picture of cowboy boots.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man painting as a man in cowboy apparel watches.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man drawing.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Man in cowboy apparel drawing as another man watches.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Men painting.]
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Celebrity painting.]