[Firestone building at the New York World's Fair.]
[Firestone exhibit, New York World's Fair.]
The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company Building
[Firestone building, New York World's Fair.]
[Typical American Farm exhibit at the Firestone building, New York World's Fair.]
New York Worlds Fair. Firestone Building [Showing the Trylon.]
[Crowds near the Firestone Building.]
["Riders of the Elements" statue in front of the Firestone Building.]
The Electrical Products Building, New York World's Fair
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, Goodrich Tire exhibit. ]
[American Art Today building, New York World's Fair.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, Goodrich Tire exhibit.]
Railroad Exhibit Building, New York World's Fair 1939.
[Glass Inc. exhibit, New York World's Fair.]