The Borden Company - Milking Cows Electrically
[New York World's Fair. Cow exhibit.]
New York Worlds Fair. Borden Building
[Borden building, New York World's Fair.]
The Borden Company Exhibit and Rotolactor
The New York World's Fair 1939
The Hall of Communications, New York World's Fair
New York World's Fair
[Exhibit in the Lebanon pavilion, New York World's Fair.]
The Contemporary Arts Building, New York World's Fair, 1939.
The Trylon and Perisphere, New York World's Fair 1939
The Trylon and Perispehere, New York World's Fair 1939
New York World's Fair 1939
Tulip Gardens in Rose Court, New York World's Fair
The Westinghouse Building, New York World's Fair
[People at the World's Fair, the Trylon in the distance.]
[Exhibit at the New York World's Fair.]