Providence and Stonington Steamship Co's. Steamer Rhode Island.
The Grandest Palace Drawing Room Steamers in the World.
Steam Yacht Namouna.
The Grand New Steamboat Pilgrim, the Largest in the World.
Pacific Fire Engine 14.
Steamer St. John
Burning of the Palace Steamer Robert E. Lee.
R. and O. Navigation Co.'s Steamer "Toronto"
The Great Ocean Yacht Race.
Wreck of the U.S.M. Steam Ship "Arctic."
The Iron Steam Ship "Great Eastern" 22,500 Tons.
Reindeer Polka.
The Life of a Fireman.
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race.
The Falls of Niagara.
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race
Peoples' Evening Line Hudson River. The Palace Steamers of the World, Drew and Dean Richmond.