Sponging out.
Just jogging along out of town
[Stagecoach traveling through snow in the countryside.]
In and Out of Condition.
[Man boarding a covered sleigh.]
["Hung Up," - With the Starch Out.]
[Starting Out on His Mettle.]
[Couple on a sleigh.]
Sweating Out Pierre Lorillard's Horses.
[A Brush For the Lead.]
[Goat drinking baby's bottle in front of Finnegan's corner grocery.]
A Modern Elopement in the Time of the Bicycle
[Accident in front of Finnegan's corner grocery.]
Fashionable "Turn-Outs" in Central Park.
Slugged Out.
[Mr. Jones and the new cook caught in a storm.]
Questions in Natural History
New York in 1840
[Caught in a rainstorm.]