[Caught in a rainstorm.]
[Mr. Jones and the new cook caught in a storm.]
Caught on the Fly.
Caught Napping.
In the Hay Fields.
A Modern Elopement in the Time of the Bicycle
The Newspaper Boy in the Cars
The Enthusiasts (up to their middle in snow)
[A Nightmare in the Sleeping Car.]
Off for a Ride ; Taking in a passenger ; Meet the Circus on the road ; Giving the Pony a drink.
[Stagecoach traveling through snow in the countryside.]
The Unconscious Trespasser
[Drunk man in bar.]
Out of Doors and In.
The start.
Islip on the little old track on the station road
The Horse that took the Pole
How the proprietor of the lake house treated a black and tan terrier he found seated in a high chair next to its owner at dinner.
[The suffering chauffeur.]
Homeward Bound or Return of the Summer Tourists to the City