A Change of Drivers Under the Rule.
The Trotting Horse George Palmer Driven by C. Champlin.
A trot with modern improvements.
Wanted a vehicle for the obese.
The Trotting Instinct
Trotting for a Great Stake.
The "Spice" of the Trotting Turf
A Trot "For the Gate Money".
Trotting Stallion Gray Eagle, of Kentucky.
Ready for the Trot.
The Horse that took the Pole
The Celebrated Trotting Horse Henry, driven by John Murphy.
The Trotting Mare "American Girl" Driven by M. Roden
A Trot, With Modern Improvements.
A Trot. With Modern Improvements.
Mr. Milquetoast, a few minutes late for the curtain, misses the entire first act, rather than disturb the person next his aisle seat
[The trotting horse Occident.]
The First Trot of the Season.
The Great Double Team Trot.
The Parson's Colt.