Vote "No" on Woman Suffrage
Maude Malone, Suffragette, N.Y. 1/31/07
I March for Full Suffrage June 7th. Will you?
[Suffrage meeting.]
Vote Yes on Woman Suffrage
[Demonstration for women's suffrage.]
[Women's suffrage.]
[Suffrage parade and newspaper column.]
American League Base Ball Park, New York, N.Y.
[Women's Suffrage parade]
The Speedway. N.Y.
N.Y. Theatre Club
The Aquarium, N.Y. City.
The Times Building N.Y.
The Singer Tower, N.Y.
Mrs. Sophia M. Loebinger, Treas'r Nat'l Progressive Suffrage
View of N.Y. Harbor showing Genl. Slocum N.Y.
The Harbor, N.Y. City