Local Biennial Board - G.F.W.C. Mrs. Belle De Rivera
N.Y.C. Federation of Women's Clubs
Art Worker's Club for Women.
Women's Press Club New York City President's Day
Stork Club
Edgemere Club Hotel.
President - The Current Events Club
10th Annual AIDS Walk
I Have Seen the Future
Fourth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Club, Golf Club, Greenwich Conn.
Ardsley Golf Club, N.Y.
Club, Liederkranz, 58th St. & Park Ave.
Club, Golf Club, Greenwich, Conn.[?].
Club, Josiah Strong Club, Kitty Duer Club.
The Engineers Club Inaugural Banquet Commemorative of the Opening of the New Club House
[City Club., Engineers Club., 35th St. and 5th Ave. NY.]
Arms of George Washington, First President of the Republic