Local Biennial Board - G.F.W.C. Mrs. Belle De Rivera
N.Y.C. Federation of Women's Clubs
Art Worker's Club for Women.
Women's Press Club New York City President's Day
Edgemere Club Hotel.
Stork Club
President - The Current Events Club
Club, Golf Club, Greenwich Conn.
10th Annual AIDS Walk
Ardsley Golf Club, N.Y.
The Life & Age of Woman.
Club, Liederkranz, 58th St. & Park Ave.
Club, Golf Club, Greenwich, Conn.[?].
Club, Josiah Strong Club, Kitty Duer Club.
Fourth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Dinner in honour of the Ex Presidents of The Union League Club
[City Club., Engineers Club., 35th St. and 5th Ave. NY.]
I Have Seen the Future