Yale Club N.Y.C
Selected as a Pioneer Club Woman by the Ex-President's Club of the 10th District
Mothers Club - N.Y.C.
Technology Club, 17 Gramercy Park N.Y.C.
Abyssinian Baptist Church W 138 St. N.Y.C. General View of Auditorium from N.W. Cor. looking S.E.
Local Biennial Board - G.F.W.C. Mrs. Belle De Rivera
Hotel Associations of N.Y.C.
The Republican Club of the City of N.Y. Annex No. 1 274 Bowery
Hotel Ass'ns of N.Y.C.
Hungarian Refugees in N.Y.C.
Princeton Club, N.Y.
The Union Club, N. Y. City.
Abyssinian Baptist Church W. 138 St. N.Y.C. Looking S.E. along 138 St. front, showing high & low scaffolds