Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, Montague Street.
[Peter Meyers & Co., real estate auction room, 111 Broadway.]
Benjamin S. Peck, Real Estate and Insurance
[J. Clarence Davies Real Estate Office.]
P. Zeglio, Real Estate Agent
[View of the W. W. Astor Estate.]
Real estate office in Spanish Harlem
[View of Astor Estate.]
[John Colquhoun Tysen, president of the real estate firm Previews, Inc.]
270 Madison Avenue. Cross and Brown Real Estate. Interior, main office
270 Madison Avenue. Cross and Brown Real Estate. Interior, rear office
Pinaud Real Estate Corporation, 214-220 East 21st Street
Inauguration Luncheon given by the Board of Governors of the New York Real Estate Securities Exchange, Inc.
[Real estate exchange, Brooklyn Library.]