C. N. Crittendon
Use Pike's Toothache Drops and Save Your Teeth
[Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge and Carminative.]
Sultar Disinfectant.
Porters Cough Balsam
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye
C.O. Bigelow Apothecary
Untitled [Harlem, pharmacist.]
Summit Mineral Spring Water. Delluc & Co., Pharmaceutists
Warners Safe Rheumatic Cure
Bauer's Trade Mark Tar Syrup
[The Mirror Candies store, interior.]
Retail Trade: Drug Store - 1907. Burdsall Drug Co.
Edwin C. Burt & Co.
R. C. Cashin
The Shaker Extract of Roots is a Cure for Dyspepsia