Compliments of Eclipse Wringer Co.
Three Ball Washing Crystal
American Gas Appliance Co., Men Cleaning Overcoats.
Smith Brothers Chemically Pure Borax
Temple & Fox's Boston Patent Steam Carpet Beating Machine
[Hanging laundry.]
The W.E. Brothers Co. New York
Electrical Appliances
B.F. Goodrich Co. Building
Clubs, Down Town Club, Laundry Room.
[Interior, laundry.]
Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Section of Mangle.
Interiors, Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Offices, Safes, Filing Cabinets.
Adams Express Co's Dinner 1900.
Sight-Seeing Cruise Passing the Statue of Liberty
F.A. Hutchinson & Co.
Rand Drill Co., New York