Compliments of Eclipse Wringer Co.
Three Ball Washing Crystal
American Gas Appliance Co., Men Cleaning Overcoats.
Smith Brothers Chemically Pure Borax
Temple & Fox's Boston Patent Steam Carpet Beating Machine
[Hanging laundry.]
Electrical Appliances
Clubs, Down Town Club, Laundry Room.
B.F. Goodrich Co. Building
Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Section of Mangle.
The W.E. Brothers Co. New York
Adams Express Co's Dinner 1900.
[Interior, laundry.]
Sight-Seeing Cruise Passing the Statue of Liberty
F.A. Hutchinson & Co.
Interiors, Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Offices, Safes, Filing Cabinets.
Steamboat "Robert Fulton" Hudson River 1909