[Abraham Schomer.]
[Nahum Meyer Shaikevich.]
[Rose, Anne and Miriam Shomer.]
[Abraham Ellstein.]
[Miriam and Rose Shomer at the time of the production of "One of the Many".]
[Jacob Gordin.]
[William Siegel.]
[Reuben Weissman in an unidentified production.]
[Sylvia Hoffman Regan Ellstein.]
["Each Had Six Wings" theater still.].
[Jacob M. Gordin.]
[Abe Ellstein and Sylvia Regan.]
[Morris Finkle.]
[Emma Finkle.]
[Portrait of Professor Irwin H. Fenn, husband of Berta Gersten.]
[Marvin Schwartz.]
[Zoya Amen in Abraham Goldfaden's "Shulamith".]
["Each Had Six Wings" theater still.]