Dinner to His Excellency Sir Chentung Liang Cheng by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Robley D. Evans by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Herbert Hoover by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Booth Tarkington by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Howard Elliot by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Enrico Caruso by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Honorable Charles E. Hughes by the Lotos Club
New York Brass Co.
Dinner to William Howard Taft by the Lotos Club
Complimentary Annual Dinner Tendered by the President H. H. Vreeland to the Officers and Heads of Departments of the Metropolitan Street R'y Co.
Dinner to Our Fellow Member Hon. Myron T. Herrick
Dinner to the Right Honourable Sir Auckland Geddes by the Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Wu Ting Fang by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Reverend Doctor Henry Van Dyke by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Honorable Joseph H. Choate by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Robert E. Peary by to Lotos Club
The Friars Complimentary Dinner to Richard E. Enright in the Great Hall of the Monastery
Annual Dinner of the Second Panel Sheriff's Jury
Complimentary Dinner Tendered to Hon. Alfred E. Smith, Hon. Victor J. Dowling, Hon. Morgan J. O'Brien, Hon. Owen D. Young and Hon. Perry Belmont