C. W. Fairbanks
Seventh Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.
Odell Higgins
Twenty-Fifth Annual Reception of Palestine Commandery No. 18 Knights Templar
The West Side Republican Club Annual Dinner
Dinner by the Officers and Directors of the New York National Exchange Bank 1851-1901
Theodore Roosevelt when Governor of New York, 1898-1900.
Dinner given to the Honorable Morgan J. O'Brien. Seating List
Eighth Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Complimentary Dinner tendered to the General Officers and Flag Officers in the Vicinity of New York
Prasident Roosevelt.
Dinner in honor of the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt Governor of the State of New York
[Roosevelt Parade.]
Roosevelt Reception
[Theodore Roosevelt.]
President Roosevelt and his Sons.