Paul Morton
[Henry B. Hyde.]
Waddell, H.W., Copy, Colored Bas-Relief, Sailing Vessel.
James Alexander
Waddell, H.W., Copy Bas-Relief, Paintings of Girl.
Mr. Waddell, Interior, Studio, Mr. & Mrs. Waddell in Background.
Mr. Waddell, Interior, Studio, Mr. & Mrs. Waddell in background.
[Alexander Legge.]
[New York World's Fair, Equitable Life Assurance building.]
Message Center at The Equitable's Garden of Security, New York World's Fair.
The Statue Group, "Protection," overlooking the Equitable's Garden of Security at the New York World's Fair.
New York World's Fair. Equitable Life Assurance Building. 2 night views with population counter
New York World's Fair, Equitable Life Assurance Building
[Equitable Life Assurance population display at the 1964 World's Fair.]
[Equitable Life Assurance Pavilion at the 1964 World's Fair.]