[Dinah Feinman née Shtettin.]
[Lillie Feinman.]
[Dinah Feinman née Shtettin and her daughter, Celia Adler.]
[Lillie Feinman and Ludwig Satz.]
[Fela Biro with her husband, Simon, and her son, John Reed.]
Plays, "Homeless".
Portrait, Mrs. K. Duer and Her Daughters.
[The first executive committee of the "kunst ring".]
[Anshel Schorr.]
[The Lubritsky sisters, Fanny and Golda.]
[John Lindsay presenting a certificate of appreciation to Jacob Jacobs.]
[Maurice, Frances, Alex, Betty and Clara Simonoff.]
[Dinah Goldberg in a musical at age 11.]
[Margery Maude as Virginia Bullivant and Cyril Maude as Mr. Andrew Bullivant (Grumpy) in "Grumpy".]
[Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Durst (neé Rose Friedwald) with their daughter.]
Plays, "The Broken Hearts".
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and her Daughter Ethel.
Plays, "Nobody's Daughter".