International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Entrance.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [From Bowling Green.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Facade and tower detail.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Comany Building, 67 Broad Street [Detail of tower.]
67 Broad Street. International Telephone and Telegraph Building
International Telephone & Telegraph Co. Bldg., New York City
67 Broad Street. International Telephone Building. Main entrance detail
Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Entrance.]
2 Park Avenue [Entrance.]
Headquarter building of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
Bonwit Teller [Entrance.]
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue [Entrance.]
120 Wall Street
111 John Street
West Street between Vesey and Barclay Streets [Weehawken Street to Worth Street]
Park Avenue [Entrance detail.]