Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Letter box.]
Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Elevator lobby.]
Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Detail of lobby ceiling.]
Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Elevator and letter box.]
Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Window detail.]
Federation Building, 67-71 West 47th Street [Belt course decoration.]
Scientific American Building, 24-26 West 40th Street [Entrance.]
Building, northwest corner 37th Street and 6th Avenue
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue [Entrance.]
23 West 45th Street
Bonwit Teller [Entrance.]
Scientific American Building, 24-26 West 40th Street
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Entrance.]
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue
247-251 West 35th Street
Building, northwest corner 37th Street and 6th Avenue [Elevator door.]
Film Center Building