Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Showroom.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Reception room.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue
Richerd Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Reception room.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Second floor reception room.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Restroom.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Light fixture.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Door detail.]
Richard Hudnut Building, 693 5th Avenue [Ceiling detail.]
Kohler Co., 20 West 42nd Street, Interior, The Showroom.
[553-559 5th Avenue.]
Kohler Co., 20 West 46th Street, Group of Salesmen at Warehouse 656 West 34th St., N.Y.
Kohler Co., 20 West 46th Street, Interior, Group of Salesmen.
[716 5th Avenue.]
[717 5th Avenue.]
Stores and shops on 5th Avenue.
The Gucci Store, 5th Av.
Kohler Co., 20 West 42nd Street, Exterior, The Window.