[Jessica Tandy as The Wife in "All Over".]
[Colleen Dewhurst as The Mistress and Jessica Tandy as The Wife in "All Over".]
[Jessica Tandy as The Wife and Colleen Dewhurst as The Mistress in "All Over".]
[George Voskovec as The Best Friend, Jessica Tandy as The Wife, and Colleen Dewhurst as The Mistress in "All Over".]
[Neil Fitzgerald as The Doctor in "All Over".]
[Betty Field as The Nurse and Neil Fitzgerald as The Doctor in "All Over".]
[Jessica Tandy as Fraulein Doktor Mathilde von Zahnd in "The Physicists".]
[Cast of "All Over".]
[Jessica Tandy.]
[Jessica Tandy as Cattrin in "Yesterday's Magic".]
[Jessica Tandy as Cattrin and Alfred Drake as Robert in "Yesterday's Magic".]
[Paul Muni as Maddoc Thomas and Jessica Tandy as Cattrin in "Yesterday's Magic".]
[Jessica Tandy as Cattrin and Paul Muni as Maddoc Thomas in "Yesterday's Magic".]
[Frank Sundstrom as Prof. Charles Jensen and Jessica Tandy in the title role of "Hilda Crane".]
[Jessica Tandy as Louise Harrington in "Five Finger Exercise".]