[Page in Daze's black book.]
WIND 2 [Page in Daze's black book.]
Letters [Page in Daze's black book.]
Factor [Page in Daze's black book.]
DAZE [Page in Daze's black book.]
GSA [Page in Daze's black book.]
[Cover of Daze's sketchbook.]
[Tagged page in Daze's black book.]
"Fun House" [Tagged inside front cover of Daze's black book.]
DAC 2 [Page in Daze's black book.]
Graphic Subway Art [Page in Daze's black book.]
Daze [Page in ERO's black book.]
Daze! [Page in Daze's black book.]
Inside Frank Wechsler [Page from Daze's sketchbook.]
[Page from Daze's sketchbook.]