1943 War Year; Happy New Year
We Could Cook Japs Quicker With Gas.
Sure -- We'll Give You a Free Home
Wrong Timing
Look at the fine print, Sam.
"Will He Jump?"
Evening Stroll Ends with Death
Where 15 Perished
[Al Smith signing a bomb being held by Mrs. Eddie Rickenbacker.]
"But Sir, I AM a Skin Diver."
[Reporting center, Aircraft Warning Service.]
Ensemble comprising two blouses and a skirt incorporating Mexican rebozo
[Governor Hebert H. Lehman during a radio address after the first day of the draft for World War II.]
[Cardinal Spellman and Philippine President Carlos P. Garcia picking up a flower that Mrs. Garcia dropped in St. Patrick's Cathedral.]
[Rear Admiral Sir Philip L. Vian.]
Your Part in Fire Defense
More Production
Heroine #15 [Unidentified woman.]
The Heroes #29 Eugenie Vimardier
The Heroes #11 Ola Nordmann