I Came in With a Bang Where Will He End Up?
Sure -- We'll Give You a Free Home
We Could Cook Japs Quicker With Gas.
Look at the fine print, Sam.
Wrong Timing
[Symbolic representation of the Allied Nations in World War II.]
War Savings Stamps
[Woman getting fingerprinted at the City of New York War Identification Bureau.]
War Against Fires of War
New York City at War. Emergency Services
50 Years of New York
Exit the Axis
Your Fuel Oil Ration for the Year
The Plan for Distributing War Ration Book One for Individual Consumers
Don Freeman's Newsstand [World War II political cartoon.]
The Axis Boys Act
Happy New Year
British War Relief Society of America
World War II Recruiting Poster
[Governor Hebert H. Lehman during a radio address after the first day of the draft for World War II.]