Sure -- We'll Give You a Free Home
I Came in With a Bang Where Will He End Up?
1943 War Year; Happy New Year
Wrong Timing
Look at the fine print, Sam.
[Man killed by Nazi officer.]
Prayers for the Dead
[Sergeant George J. Hall.]
[Robert D. Maxwell.]
Cop Slays Gunman, Faints
"Fort Lee for Mine."
99 Park Ave., N.Y.--WWII Entertainment
[Police gathered around Patrolman Edward T. Ottinger Jr., 23, who fainted after shooting Vidal Leoncio, 34.]
Feed Our Fighters
[Unidentified boy.]
[Reporting center, Aircraft Warning Service.]
Time to Let Go
The Axis Boys Act
[Al Smith signing a bomb being held by Mrs. Eddie Rickenbacker.]
[Gas range with woman cooking.]