"Labors of Man" by George H. Snowden. Court of Peace
"Europa" by Gleb W. Derujinsky. Court of Railroads
"Golden Sprays" by Leo Lentelli. Court of Sports
"Speed" by Joseph E. Renier. Communications Court
"Mithrana" by Albert Stewart. Administration Building
"The Harp" by Augusta Savage. American Art Today Building
"Samson and the Lion" by Benjamin Hawkins. Corona Gate, South
"Benevolence, Humility and Efficiency" by Edmond Amateis. Medicine and Public Health Building
"Manhattan" by Sidney Waugh. Marine Building
"Time and the Fates of Man" by Paul Manship. Constitution Mall
"The Astronomer" by Carl Milles. Theme Center
"Electrical Production" by Francis Bradford. World of Fashion Building
"Story of Architecture" by Bouché, Saalburg & Henry. Home Building Center
"Fishing" by Domenico Mortellito. Hall of Sports
"Water as Power" by Andre Durenceau. Hall of Industry
"Advent of Fire" and "Advent of Steel" by Carl L. Schmitz. Hall of Industry
"Man's Conquest of the Air" by Arshele Gorky. Aviation Building
"Hypocrates Banishes Superstition" by Hildreth Meiere. Science and Education Building