Capt. and Rachel. Act V
Dyke and Ann. Act 1.
Dyke & Roanoke. "Look to your Father"
Minute Men. Act II
Minute Men. Act V.
[Target practice.]
["The Boss" theater still.]
[Ann Murdock in "The Beautiful Adventure".]
["The Daughters of Men" theater still.]
[Haidée Wright as Fanny Cavendish and Ann Andrews as Julie Cavendish in "The Royal Family".]
Portrait, Amelia Sommerville.
[Dina Doronne as Anne Frank and Gusti Huber as Edith Frank in "The Diary of Anne Frank".]
[Rachel Booth as Rickety Ann in "The Old Homestead".]
[George Giddens as Bob Acres and Percy Lyndal as Sir Lucius O'Trigger in "The Rivals".]
[Paul Dickey and Francine Larrimore in "The Misleading Lady".]