[Dinner in honour of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.]
[Dinner in honor of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.]
Dinner in honour of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.
To meet Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.
Dinner in honour of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, Commander-in-Chief and Rear-Admiral Frederick Tower Hamilton
[Table card for Commander Frank Marble at the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission banquet.]
Committee of Arrangements
The Pilgrims of the United States Dinner in Honor of Sir Esmé Howard, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.
Festessen zu Ehren der zur Theilnahme an der Hudson-Fulton Feier
Robert Fulton -- 1765-1815 "The Liberty of the Seas will be the Happiness of the Earth."
The Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission Banquet
[Invitation to the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission banquet in honor of the guests of the Commission.]
New York Sept. 5th to Oct. 9th. 1807 - 1909
The Clermont on Her First Trip August 17, 1807.
Lower Manhattan 1609 as Hudson First Saw It
Dinner in Honour of His Excellency the Right Honourable Sir Auckland Geddes, K.C.B.
Banquet in Honor of the Guests of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission of the State of New York