The Societe Culinaire Philanthropique de New York, Inc. 1865-2002
[Seating arrangement for the banquet celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange.]
Banquet Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange
Seating List. Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association
Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association On Its Tenth Anniversary
The Bradford County Society of New York City Second Annual Banquet
The New York International Exposition. The World's Fair Banquet
Society of Methodist Preachers' Sons, Inc. of New York Annual Dinner
Eleventh Annual Banquet of the Real Estate Association of the State of New York
Twenty-sixth Annual Dinner of the Dwight Alumni Association in honor of Prof. George Chase
Le Diner Pour Les Oeuvres Charitables du Comité Des Sociétés Françaises de Secours
The Knickerbocker Hotel, New York.
The Times Building, New York City
Tenth Annual Dinner, the Jewelers Twenty-four Karat Club of New York City